Drone Photography & Aerial Services

What We Offer

Aerial and Drone Photography Services in Perth, Western Australia

We specialise in providing a comprehensive array of drone and aerial photography services tailored to meet your needs in Perth, Western Australia. Our offerings encompass a diverse range of solutions designed to capture stunning visuals from unique perspectives. Whether it’s for commercial, residential, or industrial purposes, we deliver unparalleled quality and expertise. From captivating landscape shots to intricate architectural imagery, our services are curated to exceed expectations. Trust us to elevate your project with innovative techniques and state-of-the-art equipment. With a commitment to excellence, we ensure every detail is meticulously captured, delivering breathtaking results that leave a lasting impression.

General Inspections

We can use our drones to inspect and identify defects which are unable to be seen due to height restrictions or obscurity and then complete reinspection’s to identify changes between inspection dates.


Whether it’s a routine maintenance inspection or trying to investigate the safety of climbing a structure, drones are proven to be the only way to keep workers safe while accessing high structures for visual inspections. We can help you avoid the liability and costs involved with using your employees or contractors such as scaffolding and safety equipment, by easily completing these inspections with our drones.

Facade Inspection

Drone & aerial photography services can inspect up to 200,000 square feet of vertical facades within a few hours, compared to the days it would take using manual methods. This allows our inspectors to analyse a building’s façade from unique angles and gain access to the difficult to reach areas of a structure.

3D Modelling

Using our 3D modelling drones we can do many things that traditional surveying can’t such as record all objects quickly and accurately by capturing data from the air. We then use our photogrammetry software which can switch the captured data into an accurate 3D model and information can easily be retrieved and viewed.

Aerial Photographs

Drone and aerial photography services enables different perspectives and new aspects to be captured compared to photos taken from the ground. Our pilots can get closer or further away from an object to capture that perfect photo!

Search and Rescue

Drones enable a significant enhancement in search and rescue (SAR) operations and are a potential life-saving tool. We can use our drones to provide critical support to SAR teams to reduce the risk to humans, enable quicker searches and provide aerial support during adverse weather conditions.

Factory Roof Inspections

Our pilots can use drones to inspect roofs and check for damage taking away the need for manual inspections and avoiding the liability of people working at heights and potentially causing extra damage to the roofing structure. Insurance companies find this service advantageous as they can be assured that what is being insured is in good condition.

Worksite Inspections

Busy supervisors and site managers can use our drones to help them inspect worksites at intervals (weekly) which offers a birds-eye view of the changes and productivity. Alternatively, we can help with cut and fill levels and the amount of stock on site. Ideally, sites are flown from when they are quoted and then at various stages throughout the contract.

Phone Tower Inspections

Our pilots can use our drones to inspect phone towers to ascertain that the tower is mechanically sound and will cause no problems to the surrounding environment. We are checking for rust, cracks, and any missing parts.

Solar Panel Inspections

We can use our drones to survey a construction site to determine where best to position solar panels for optimal performance and monitor a solar plant installation to ensure it stays up to code. Drones can also routinely inspect active solar sites to locate defects and prevent future maintenance issues.

2D Orthomosaic Mapping

Orthomosaic maps offer a photorealistic representation of an area that can produce surveyor-grade measurements of topography, infrastructure, and buildings. Each orthomosaic map is made up of dozens of orthoimages (also called orthophotos).

Digital Twins

Digital twins allow asset owners, engineers, inspectors and designers to not only understand the current condition of assets and infrastructure through remote digital inspection, but digital twins allow them to understand changes over time, which leads to accurate predictions of function and degradation into the future. With this information owners can create accurate maintenance, cost, and expected asset life cycle modelling for their organisations.

Pipeline Inspections

Our pilots can fly pipelines allowing us to inspect topside at a rapid rate. We can also detect heat spots using thermal cameras which can in turn see emerging weaknesses in the structure. Automated flights mean the same flight can be duplicated time and time again.

Minesite Inspections and Monitoring

Mining in Australia is big business and mining companies need to do all inspections the safest way possible. Mine sites are full of vertical challenges which can be accomplished easily using our drones and avoids the need for workers at heights. We can also look into land rehabilitation.

Wind Turbine Inspections

As part of the maintenance process, a wind turbine drone inspection can identify blade delamination, core defects, internal component failure, and other key defects. Additionally, a drone wind turbine inspection produces more detailed data than traditional inspection methods and can significantly speed up the inspection process.

Marine Inspections

Like all land-based projects there are certain areas on a ship that can’t be easily accessed but are required to be inspected. We can easily access these hard to reach areas with our drones and give a full photographic report on the condition of the ship.

Why Choose Us

Passionate about flying

We incorporate our love of flying with great technology.

Reliable Service

We strive to deliver a high end product for our valued clients.

Small Family Based Business

We provide ourselves on putting our clients needs first.

Professional Pilots

Our pilots are CASA accredited.

DJI Enterprise M300 drone equipment

Professional Aerial Shot

Reliable drone and aerial photography in Perth western Australia

Get in touch to talk about your project